Safety precautions while exercising in pregnancy
Precautions when exercising during pregnancy:
Avoid contact sport to prevent any trauma to the abdomen.
Changes to your hormone levels may cause your ligaments to soften. Avoid vigorous bouncing and jumping activities such as trampolining, or excessive twisting activities as this could result in injury.
Check with your physiotherapist before attempting any abdominal strengthening exercises to make sure you are performing them correctly. Please advise them if you are noticing any “doming” of your anterior abdominal wall during pilates.
Avoid exercising whilst lying on your back from 16 weeks onwards due to the enlarged uterus placing pressure on and obstructing venous return.
Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes and avoid high humidity environments when exercising.
To maintain hydration drink plenty of water before and small sips during exercise.
Change positions slowly to avoid risk of getting dizzy, light headiness.
Make sure you have had a light snack 30 minutes before exercising to avoid a drop in your blood sugar levels.
Your balance can be affected during pregnancy due to a shift in centre of gravity so be careful when performing exercises requiring balance.
Warning signs to stop exercising during pregnancy:
If you experience any of the following stop coming to classes and seek advice from your midwife or obstetrician before getting clearance to return.
Vaginal bleeding
Shortness of breath before reaching your normal exertion limit
Calf pain, redness, tenderness
Chest pain
Amniotic fluid leakage
Extreme difficulty walking
Reduced foetal movements
Increased blood pressure
Significant sudden swelling of feet.